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Ирина Симакова (Business Intermediate)

III место в конкурсе короткого рассказа

Mum is the main word in human life (Short story, 2011)

Ирина Симакова (Business Intermediate)

I want to start my story with an amazing parable: «The day before the birth the child asked God:
- I don't know why I will go to this world. What should I do?

God answered:
- I will present to you the angel who will always be near you. She will explain everything to you.
- But how will I understand the angel, because I do not know her language?
- The angel will teach you the language. She will protect you from all troubles.
- How and when should I return to you?
- Your angel will tell you everything
- And what is the angel’s name?
- It's not very important, she has a lot of names. You will call her "Mum".

The day before the New year there was the wonder event, I was told pleasant news by my doctor: “More one heart is pulsed inside you! Soon you will become a mother». This news had made a lot of changes in my life and in my family’s life. It was the new stage of my grow-ing! In the past my life included dynamic work, interesting projects, challenges, great workloads, business trips, stressful situations, etc. However I gradually attempted to correct my life style, so as I started to take more care of myself and the relatives.

At this moment I realized Bryan Dyson's words (the Former CEО of Coca-Cola) who said: «Imagine life is a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. They are Work, Family, Health, Friends and Spirit and you are keeping all these in the air. You will soon under-stand that Work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four Balls - Family, Health, Friends and Spirit are made of glass. If you drop one of these, they will be irre-vocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for it». It is very important to give the required time to your family, friends and have proper rest. Value has a value only if its value is valued.

Every day of waiting for the childbirth was very special, therefore I decided to keep the diary during my pregnancy. Later I would like to open it and remember that period. On 20th of January we saw our baby and the doctor made the ultrasonic scanning and recording of this process. It is touching for seeing, realizing, feeling that our baby had been already growing, wav-ing handles, somerseting in a tummy. On that day we knew that it was a boy - our successor! I understood that I should start upbringing today. From that moment we did all things together, discussed daily routine, I sang songs, listened to music, held meetings and training, went on business trips, met clients, learned at school «Young mother». I strived and I am striving to give my son as much tenderness and love, as my parent gave me.

On a hot summer day – the 26 of July – our loved and long-awaited son was born. Having seen his small eyes and hands, I understood that he is the future defender and a strong man by name of Michael. He was the tallest boy of July – 62 cm! We were picked up from the hospital by all my big family, as my son is the first long-awaited grandson. New chores began: washing and ironing of nappies, feeding, establishing day regimen, doing housekeeping. We coped with all these tasks and we cheered up when we saw our snuf-fling flesh and blood in the bed. Misha is growing and his new achievements for example the first smile, the first steps, the first personal spoon, the first words, the first hand-made articles and drawings made us very glad . It is so important and memorable. I am continuing to keep record of his successes in the family chronicle.

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