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Анна Федорчева (FCE)

I survived the hurri-quake Irene!!! (Short story, 2011)

I was working in the USA last summer. I set up on the south-east in New Jersey near the Atlantic Ocean. The beginning of the summer was amazing! The sun was hot. Every morning I got up at 6 and went to the ocean to see how dolphins were playing with each others. These impressions are unforgettable.

And everything was going well until one day we did not feel strange bumps and our room started shaking. We rushed out to the street and saw a crowd of standing people. They were frightened. We realized that it was an earthquake. Besides that, the next day every programme on TV was talking about Hurricane Irene. I did not want to believe that it could be something serious. I called the manager to ask about the hurricane. She said that Irene was coming but we were still open. Afterwards, I calmed down and did not take it seriously. The next day the police woke me up and gave a brochure with information how to survive in a dangerous hurricane and also advised me to pack all valuable things and be ready to evacuate.

After the frightening news about it all markets and shops were out of stock, people started to stock up on water and bread. The people were in panic. They boarded up their windows with plywood sheets. Many of them were leaving the city, leaving their homes empty. But there were also positive Americans who have written on boards like this: "Goodnight Irene or Irene is not welcome." We were assigned to the evacuation. I also have a photo of our big line which was posted on CNN. The police and our managers brought us to the safety town called Philadelphia and placed all 500 employees at school. It was a good opportunity to get to know everybody closer.

When we came back home we saw that nothing too dangerous had happened. All that happened was that we lost power for about 24 hours and a tree knocked down a pole a few steps down the street. All is well that ends well.

Анна Федорчева (FCE)

We are ready for hurricane!!! Irene, we are not afraid!

Анна Федорчева (FCE)

Out of stock: A shopper passes empty shelves while looking for bottled water at a supermarket in NJ

Анна Федорчева (FCE)

All welcome except IRENE!!!

Анна Федорчева (FCE)

About 500 Morey's Pier employees, all from other countries working summer jobs, await buses to evacuate them in preparation for Hurricane Irene.

Анна Федорчева (FCE)

All is well that ends well

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